Middle school fisherman Hunter keeps catching bigger and bigger fish! Here’s his short recap of his recent, first ulua.
Hunter: I woke up at 5:30 to go to Kaneohe with my Uncle Dean, not expecting to catch anything big. I arrived and set up my pole for omaka and caught nehu. I then dropped down some sanma I bought from Times and some uluas came up and ate it, which was a good sign.
I dropped down my bait but the uluas didn’t want to play. Uncle Teddy came and saw the uluas. He came back and told me he was going to help me catch one. He helped me and showed me what to do. We waited for about an hour.
The uluas kept circling the bait but not daring to go for it. Eventually an ulua made a mistake and bit. I pulled as hard as I could to set the hook. It was a 30 second back and forth tug of war battle but eventually I brought him to the surface and the battle was over. Uncle Al netted the fish. It came out as 11.30 pounds. Decent size for my first one. I released it because I think that releasing your first ulua is good luck and I was happy about that but my grandma was not lol.
Congrats again hunter. You should fish for Kaku too lol. Lot easier than Ulua Fishing and have a chance to get a free t-shirt too.
Congrats Hunter! Guaranteed hooked for life now! You got me on size for first ulua. Mine was only 11.25lbs! Hahaha Chee!
Congrats Hunter! Hopefully the first of many! Props for releasing it, too. Smaller Ulua are good sashimi, but that just means the second one gonna taste twice as good!
Great job Hunter! Bigger one next time!