Well the 2020 oama season was a bust, as was the nearshore fishing and life in general. Looks like the 2021 oama season hasn’t really started yet, and it’s already the middle of August.
*** Update (11/6/21): While the inshore water temp this summer was cooler than the “good” oama years, the fall water temps haven’t cooled drastically, so there’s actually new oama coming into Oahu’s north and windward beaches. Papio are still being caught off the shore too. Not sure if this is because a new La Nina started, but this not-so-cold water has extended the luke warm oama season.
*** Update (10/12/21): Still got some catchable oama if you find the right school at the right tide/time. There’s also still some papio inshore. Get chance!
*** Update (9/27/21): On Oahu, it seems that the oama didn’t go into the traditional South Shore spots as much as they normally do, and instead went up on the Eastside. There’s some papio hitting those oama, so get both while you can. The wind and water temps are dropping so we’re definitely in a Fall pattern, heading into Winter.
*** Update (9/7/21): There were reports this Labor Day Weekend of oama schools numbering in the low hundreds biting sporadically. Not sure if the papio are still inshore looking for oama, but only one way to find out.
*** Update (8/31/21): There’s a glimmer of hope! Some folks have reported catching a few tiny oama off small piles. Maybe the major wave of oama is beginning to come ashore, a month late.
*** Update (8/26/21): No schools of oama found to be biting baits yet. Not looking good for the oama season at all.
*** Update (8/17/21): The catchable oama mentioned a few days ago became less catchable and ran from the anglers. The schools haven’t really settled down yet in most places. ***
*** Update (8/14/21): A few of the traditional spots reported catchable oama this weekend. Maybe there’s hope for the season after all! ***
Here’s how the past years have gone:
- 2014 – Normal start and stayed a little longer than expected. Arrived in late June and was mostly gone by October. El Nino began late this year and water began to warm up.
- 2015 – Season started late and ended late. Oama came in late July and stayed at some places past December. El Nino in full effect.
- 2016 – Season started late and ended late. Oama came in late July and stayed through November. El Nino ended this year and water began to cool.
- 2017 – Normal start and slightly late ending. Oama came in late June and began to leave in October, at most places. La Nina brought a lot of rain.
- 2018 – Season started in late July, ended in the fall and wasn’t particularly long or good. La Nina was thought to have ended before the Summer and could be blamed for the late start.
- 2019 – Season started late and fizzled. Weak La Nina effect continues to affect the fishing.
- 2020 – Blame the La Nina? Blame the Covid pandemic crowds playing in the water? It was the worst oama and papio season in recent memory.
Sorry for the bleak prediction but it’s looking like a terrible oama season unless they come in late and strong. With NOAA’s announcement of another La Nina winter, that’s unlikely. The silver lining is the halalu piles in the traditional places that are drawing large papio in the early morning hours.
Thank you for the information Scott. 1 spot on Maui 2 days ago. Fisherman told me was a major catching of oaamas. In 1.5 hes he caught 25 in the morning hours. Yesterday same place,this fisherman caught not bad. I was there for about 1 hr the man caught about 6. Maybe season starting to come around my friend said September will be better hopefully. Haven’t use my pole for dunking yet,?.
Thanks for the Maui report Craig, how come you nevah try for oama too?
Hi Scott I did Southside get action. Early am so much that my friend had to give away to reach the limit of 50. So far other spots on the island very quiet. Hopefully get action closer to home. Going dunk my pole tomorrow maybe lucky lucky ?. Take care,be safe Scott.
Hi Craig,
Glad you guys finally got some biting oama on Maui. Maybe this oama season still get chance! Good luck tomorrow buddy!
Thank you buddy.:)Take care of yourself.
Today Southside small pile came in with the tide near the shore. They were biting even though I caught only 5. Maybe if I went early morning could have been better lol.
What did you do with those precious 5 live oama Craig? Caught 5 papio? Hope so!
Hehe I dunked it no action. ?
Aw shucks Craig,
Hey Scott north shore spot i go to finally getting oaamas in. The school arent big like usual. But they were biting. The past 2 days am time. And late afternoon. The other day big school came in say about 2 to 300. Finally dunk my pole today no luck ? South side tode was to low had to go way outside. Other spot south side no oaamas.
Keep trying Craig, papio beginning to hit the oama fairly well on Oahu.
I will keep trying Scott. Last week ? is big bite slow. Waiting till it gets smaller. But massive school Southside in the thousands. Beautiful green oaamas. Friends think season will last till November over here.. Take care next report later this week or early next week.
Thanks for the report Craig. Hope you have a great papio day before the papio stop hitting the oama schools!
Where are the oamas biting in maui if anyone knows? Haven’t had much luck this year. Time to try to find a new spot that isn’t over runner by people once they find out the oamas are in. Any clues on what spots in maui to go to. Won’t say anything just wanna take my son
Wea dey STAY!!!!! Please update for 2022 … 😉
You’re right, we do need oama updates for 2022! Anyone in the community of readers have an update for us? Mahalo!