I started wearing Anetik clothing in 2019, initially to provide sun protection while kayak fishing. Their breakthough product was the Shade Socks (leg sleeves connected to socks) that eliminated the need for suntan lotion on the legs. I also used their Shade Mask and loved how fitted and non-billowy they were, and their standard Low Pro Tech long sleeve shirt was almost magically cooling. I didn’t get sun burnt at all. Loved ’em so much I started selling a few styles in the Store, and got a few tank tops and quarter zip long sleeve shirts for myself. I personally found that the sizing on their chart to be accurate.

But don’t just take my word for it. Three of our Holoholo writers have been wearing Anetik shirts purchased from other fishing supply stores. Here’s what they had to say about them.
Grant, offshore kayak fisherman – The Anetik hoody long sleeve is by far the most comfortable, versatile SPF shirt I own. It’s cool enough for Hawaii weather and warm enough for Oregon weather. It’s my favorite travel shirt too. The Mission Underpants blocks out the sun, keeping me cool and comfortable without needing suntan lotion.
Devan, offshore kayak fisherman – I’d say their sizes probably run a tad bit on the smaller side so XL fits me nicely. Extremely breathable, very nice form fitting, excellent comfort, and very, very well made.
Dino, wade whipper – It has good ventilation and is super durable. I like the zippered pockets on the sides. Fits slightly loose but not baggy.
You really need to try the Anetik clothing to experience UV protection and cooling comfort from the Hawaiian sun.
In anticipation of a hot and muggy summer with possibly power outages, I’ve brought in the popular styles in most sizes for you to try. If/when they sell out at the crazy intro price of 25% off I’ll order more. but they won’t be at this unheard of pricing.
See all the Anetik products here.
Can’t wait to see the women’s line!
Hi Lori,
Funny I was looking for a woman that spent a lot of time in the sun playing golf/tennis, at the beach with her kids, cycling and attending outdoor sporting events. Someone who has been trying the available brands of UV protectant attire out there and would be able to give an honest assessment of the Anetik line of clothing for women.
If you know anyone like that… hey wait a minute, that’s you!!! Let’s get you the necessary gear to try in the hot Hawaiian summer sun!
Sure! For an honest assessment on clothing! I’m sure?
Sure there is bias to our experiences and satisfaction level but we strive to be as honest and objective as possible in our product reviews. We stand by all the products we recommend and sell on this site.
Sry Scott,
Didn’t mean it to come off like it did! I should’ve placed an “LOL” at the end! I was, in no way, questioning anyone’s opinion or integrity! (I was insinuating your motives were more focused on getting a date rather than a review of apparel)
Haha, no worries. I’m sure that most of us question the integrity of reviews of products in the magazines or websites sponsored by those products. Was good to get that out there.
And no, Lori is the happily married mother of one of the Holoholo writers and someone who has been covering up from the sun for years, so she is very well suited to trial the Anetic clothing. 🙂
Just ordered two women’s sun shirts for hiking in Maine! I need the sun/bug protection without overheating. There are so many options on the market, I searched forever trying to find something that will work, fingers crossed! Even though I found your review after my purchase, I’m even more excited now 🙂
Hi Jess,
Hope your Anetik shirts protect you from the sun and bugs, yet keep you cool. We have been finding that you need to wear the shirts a little loose to allow the heat to escape. If worn fitted, the evaporative effect isn’t as pronounced.
Please let me know how the shirts worked out!