25 MPH, North – North East winds on the flats made it difficult to cast at times and the tide was rising in the overcast evening. Made for some chilly wading. The 4 inch omilus were bothering the baits again so I just stuck with
- cut baitt
- Makata strip lure (clear ice)
Like the last time I fished the flats, the little omilus followed the strip lure but didn’t take the hook. On the cut bait I caught about 8 omilus, and besides a lizard fish, no other reef fish. Maybe the omilus were faster than the expected hinalea and humus?
As the sun was setting, in 8 inches of water, I hooked a fish that swam in straight lines, unlike an omilu. Turned out to be a 9 inch obake weke, about the size that Pete caught two trips ago. Funny that I’ve never caught them before and now two were landed on the last 3 trips. Maybe they’re part of the big “recruitment” bloom of reef fish?
I released all the omilus but kept the obake weke. Here he is in quarantine waiting to meet his oama cousins and the bigger weke caught a month ago.
Summary: In tough conditions with pesky baby omilu, cut bait trounced lures once again.