It’s the first week of June, 2019. Traditionally, the iao have blanketed the estuaries, sardines have been in for a while, and halalu have been in for a few weeks. Not this year. Iao have come and gone, sardines are in at some places but not in great numbers, and small numbers of halalu are showing, then thinning out the following day.
Small pods of fresh-from-the-ocean oama have been spotted running scared along the shoreline. It’ll probably be another few weeks before they settle down and start feeding visibly, and another few weeks on top of that before the schools are large enough to target.
So basically, the season hasn’t started yet!
Iao at you know where have been there since January, and have gotten to what I think are their max size. The oama are somewhat in there, and the “halalu school” has been “disappearing”. The 4 or 5 sardine schools I know of are very skittish due to the laynetters.
Hi Matt,
Your spot is a good early indicator for Oahu and seems to get the bait fish early but the bait fish also leave earlier than some other spots. Good to know oama are coming in at your spot. Hope it’s another good oama year like the past few years.