With kayak and boat jigging getting really popular in Hawaii, Coach Haru has provided some simple tips to keep in mind while scouring the depths for something strong pulling and delicious.
Coach Haru: Most of time fish bite the jig during the fall. Angler feel fish bite during the jerk but really fish take a jig when jig is suspended or the moment of the fall. Japanese fisherman say “making MA” which means, make timing. Jerking or reeling makes moment of suspend or fall to let fish have a chance to take a jig. Toothy pelagic fish attack jig during reeling or jerking up. They bite tail so need hooks on tail of jig. Jigs made to fall straight down, fast, are tail weighted jig. Purpose is to use on windy day for casting. Long distance cast.

From boat or yak, strong current makes it hard to reach the bottom. I use only center balance jigs from yak because I don’t have to cast far. If there’s strong current, I pedal my Hobie to keep against current while jig is falling or use I use a sea anchor. Falling is more important than reeling up. Basic of fishing is how long can keep bait including lures in the water. As long as jig falls, chances of bite is great.

You have to feel how the jig is moving in the water. Any lure fishing angler has to know how it works. If no mental image of lure action, hard to make MA. Artificial bait won’t move by themselves. All about anglers skill. Fish is not too stupid. They know when is the best time to attack bait. When bait are wounded and not be able to get away. Angler who can perform wounded weak bait will hanapa’a.
Fast action and slow action: Slow action for appearance. For example there is a bait ball boiling. Cast a lure into the ball. Lure must be more appealing to the fish since it’s competing against huge group of real bait. Slow or suspend the jig to show the lure. As soon as you leave the ball, reel fast to perform bait running away. Imagine if I am a fish, what attracts me is easy meal. I think humans are the same way. Easy $$$ is best of all!
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