It is believed that the same environmental factors that affect the timing and the duration of mango season also affect the inshore and nearshore fishing. Amount of rain the previous year, amount of sunlight, temperature, wind patterns etc.
Mango season started earlier than normal and our Hayden tree has way more baby mangoes than previous years. Oama have been sighted in a few spots at least a month earlier than normal, and akule have been abundant this year. Initial indicators seem to point to an earlier start to the inshore and nearshore season, and hopefully an abundant one.
Get out and fish in the sun and humidity where Covid-19 has a hard time surviving!
Thank you for the info Scott. Be safe and take care!
Thanks Craig. Any early season oama on Maui yet?
I haven’t checked it out yet but I’ll check South side,last year my friends told me had,? I’ll check it out this week though. I’ll let you know.!
Shh… but the word on the water is the oama are trying to sneak in while guys can’t cluster together and fish for them. 😉
Hehe ?
Hi Scott ?,Northside this morning small school about 25. Friends tell me June should be better though. Southside nothing yet.
Thanks for the report Craig. I’m hearing of omilu being caught on the south side of Oahu, I haven’t heard much about the north side mainly cuz we don’t have reporters there, hint, hint.
Your welcome Scott lol. Northshore checked this am. Smaller oaamas starting to come in skiddish,moving around. Saw one school about 100 and separate school about 50. Will try chumming water little bit just for them settle down.? Put line in water they scatter.
Pretty early yeah Craig? When they come in early that first wave ends early too. So we gotta hope more waves keep coming in during the summer.
Yes early Scott,just came back Southside the bay. 2 separate schools of oaamas being chased in by bigger fish. Look like omilus,shucks should have brought my spinner hehe.
Hope you get some omilu soon Craig. How’s the mood on Maui now that you guys can go to the beach but you have to social distance?
The mood has been good,everyone being cool about it. I heard about that party in Mokuleia? I’ll be going out tomorrow to catch oaamas hopefully omilus to. I’ll keep in touch,be safe take care.?
Northside,checked afternoon 414pm. Big school oaamas,not biting. My other friends telling me about 1st week June or end of this month?
I heard west side of Maui have oaamas biting. Have to.wake up early though. They say 530-630. Still oaamas not biting Northside. Looks like north shore gonna have plenty oaama fisherman as central side the park still close for renovations. Looks like last year started west side.
Thanks for providing the most detailed oama reports Craig. Have you started oama fishing yet? Oama still trickling in on Oahu.
Hope you safe and healthy. Northshore been very consistent for about 2 weeks now oaamas just swarming bait. Papios small so far this year compared to last year. Going out tomorrow to dunk,maybe catch papio or omilus. Also southshore I’ve been hearing oaamas been biting to. Central I went down Sunday only 2 oaama fishermen bite was good also though school was small patchy. Take care next report next. ?
Thanks for the Maui report Craig! Sounds like Maui is similar to Oahu where there aren’t a lot of oama piles but the ones found are biting pretty good. Hope you add to your papio catch total soon!
Hi Scott ?. Update northshore oaamas coming in slowly,small ones. Caught a few today,but very windy. South shore big school they don’t bite. Talk to you later. Be safe!
Glad you catching oama now Craig. Hope you catch some papio on the Hookum Flies. Matt is sending them out to you soon.
Hmmm…the only plant-related superstition I know is NEVER bring bananas if you going fishing! LOL!
Hey Rich,
Long time no talk. There is some science behind the tie with spring fruit crops and spring bait fish. We’ll see how this plays out and circle back to this!
It better be a good summer to make up for the worst winter ever… lol
The season is already turning around and your hand tied flies are slaying!
Hi Scott ?. Update northshore oaamas coming in slowly,small ones. Caught a few today,but very windy. South shore big school they don’t bite. Talk to you later. Be safe!