The last few years were epic oama seasons, possibly because the water got warm early and drew the baby weke in. The schools kept coming and stayed into the early winter. This year, being a colder La Nina year, seems to have reverted back to a “normal” or even “slow” oama season. I’ve just seen a few scattered oama on the south side that didn’t look catchable.
If the theory that oama first show up on the south side of Oahu then migrate northward is true, we may be getting our oama soon. Craig, an oama scout on Maui, has reported that oama are coming into the south side of Maui now. Since Maui is south (and east of us) maybe the other oama schools are working their way north toward us. Hope so!
I heard get oama west side of O’ahu. Try go scout ’em and let us know , Scott!