NOAA Fisheries is doing a study to determine how the different geographical “populations” of uku are related because that affects how they can effectively manage the fish stocks. For example, if there are genetically distinct sub-groups, that will influence their approach in promoting sustainable management of the species.
They are asking fishermen to submit small fin clips with catch location so they can dna test the samples to determine if the Hawaiian Islands uku are all the same genetically, or are unique in some ways. They will be collecting the samples up to the Spring of 2026.
If you would like to help with this effort you can request self-addressed fin clip kits so you have one on hand when you clean your next uku. A clip from any fin, as small as 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch will do. If you end up catching an uku but don’t have the fin clip kit, you can freeze the fin clip, request the kit, and then mail the clip to NOAA.
We were asked to help get the word out. Here’s the official flyer with instructions on how to request fin clip kits.

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