Oama came in a bit late this year, from most accounts, a few days after the 1st of August. They seem to be on the North, South and East sides but haven’t settled in to bite really well yet. Hopefully throw net poachers don’t take ’em or spook ’em before the oama reinforcements come in.
Hi Scott hope nobody threw net. Over here 1 guy threw net,young boys beat him up wow. But i dont blame them. Anyway,northshore juat been pounding the past three weeks. My friend got a 10lb yellow spot southside. Wenr 2 weeks ago. Pole halfway down. By the time i got there to late. Its been weird today full moon early morning biting really good,but i wonder why? Is it because they came in late? They came in middle of july here. Do you gave any opinions why they bite during full moon? Take care Scott aloha
Hey Craig,
Maybe we need that kind of oama enforcement on Oahu!
10lb yellowspot from shore is huge and ono! Maybe your oama bit well in the early morning because they didn’t get chased around the night before? Usually they don’t bite well because they’ve been chased by predators and torchers (humans) the night before.
Hope you get a papio soon!
Hi Scott I hope so,the past 2 years had zero caught. But I finally started being more consistent catching oaamas,after 2 years catching little if any. More this year I realize that having patience is the key,this being more consistent. Have you caught any papuos this year?
Hi Craig,
Sounds like you’re figuring out the oama and papio game! Dunking live oama near the oama pile is always a good thing to try if you don’t get in the way of the other fishermen. Or taking live oama out to the deeper dropoffs and letting em free swim.
I haven’t oama/papio fished in a few years now but recently did catch some 1lb omilu on the kayak with the damashi, in 160ft of water. So the papio are always around, just deeper than the shore line areas most times. I let those omilius go so they could swim to you. 🙂
Looks like 2wave coming in oaamas. Possibly till mid October. They were coming in mid July this year.
Hey Craig,
Either Maui had more oama come in, or the Oahu oama has been netted and spooked. Oama only really came in well recently.
As always, thanks for the updates.
Your welcome my friend :). Probrably got spooked. When the net is thrown they scared. And they wont comeback for awhile. Central side always every year like that. Thats why northshore pkenry people average about 20 to 25 people.
Small piles at north shore beachouse
Moving around a bunch. A few 3 lb white paphos and omilu. Strange year.
Thanks for the report Dean. Heard it’s been on the slow side this season despite the oama being in. Hopefully it’s just a slow start and the season ends red hot.
Maybe the recent storms will bring in warm water and nutrients.
Its been slow this year northshore,compared to 2 years ago,even 1 yr ago. Oaama season has ended here on Maui. It was a good season though. The past 2 years been using the drag technique to catch them. Very effective though. Took me awhile to get used to. Maybe next year ill catch omilu or papio haha. Take care Scott till next season Aloha 🙂
Hi Craig,
We always appreciate your Maui report. Oama came late to Oahu and there are still some around but it’s slowing down. Papio action on the oama schools wasn’t that good, like you experienced. Kayak fishing hasn’t been as good either so I think it’s the cooler water, different current effect we’ve experienced, but that kept us from getting smacked by a hurricane.
You take care and hope you get your papio soon!