The winds backed down this weekend making for really glassy conditions. While that sounds likes a great time to fish, usually the fish don’t bite well because they’re on high alert since predators including us, can see them better.
Here’s what the Pros did this weekend to score:

Ambush predators like papio stage their attack in whitewash, current, and poor visibility water. If you can find spots like that there may be an ambusher hiding.

Oio are feeding on crustaceans even in flat calm conditions. If you can sneak up and dunk a bait or jig/fly, you can still catch. Just be aware that sounds travel further in the flat calm.
Fish and tako are still around doing their thing, so this is a great time to dive. Just be extra stealthy with the fish.

The kayak brigade was out trolling live opelu and most found the fishing to be slow. It seems like the offshore predator fish take a break when their prey can see them coming. Bottom fishing with live or very fresh bait can still get something tasty to bite. Look for good marks on your fish finder and keep trying.
Trolling lures in calm seas never seems to be productive, according to the more successful captains. If you can catch live bait and slow troll them, you will have a much better chance of success. Or head to the bottom fish spots that normally aren’t fishable, but still use as fresh a bait as you can get.
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