The wind was forecast to be under 10mph and Erik invited me to dial in the shallow water micro jigging. The last time we did this, Erik found the spot by triangulating the landmarks without aid of GPS and fish finder, but I had a discontinued fish finder lying around that I had been dying to use. I jury rigged the Huminbird PiranhaMax 230 to be more water proof, by removing the base and putting the AA batteries in a waterproof tackle box. I was as excited to see if the fish finder would help us as I was to actually catch a fish.
The winds ended up blowing more than 15 mph and there was a trade wind chop on the water. We had to scrap the bottom fishing plans and throw lures on the inside. Erik started with a Yozuri Hydro Popper on his Shimano Sahara 4000 reel, packed with 15lb braid and a 30lb fluoro leader. I kept my micro jig on and tried bottom fishing the marks that began to show near reef edges. At the first drift an omilu shot out and followed Erik’s popper, then a 6 ft Galapagos shark got interested. Erik kept his lure out of the shark’s mouth and action slowed. I jigged in the shallow water for nada.
Erik moved us to another spot and hooked up on his first cast. A strong fighting 3 to 4lb white gave him a good tussle before surrendering. Erik let it go, planning to keep his 4th papio and 6th papio if he was able to catch that many. His plan wasn’t boastful, he just wanted to keep a fish if there were enough of them were around. My micro jig wasn’t getting any love so I changed to a Live Deception jig I could cast.
Erik moved us to another spot, gurgle-popped his popper and hooked up on the first cast again! A slightly smaller white fought its way back to the boat. I cast the Live Deception around, tried different retrieves for … nada.
Third drift, Erik hooks up on the first cast with the Hydro Popper again. Man, that guy can find and catch fish. I tried a Waxwing Boy where he hooked his white papio but got no follows even though it swam so enticingly. I dug around and found an old resin Kaku popper from the 80’s. It didn’t float and thus, didn’t line up that well to make a big splash on the sweep. Erik’s next fish could be kept so we made another drift.
He got a hit as soon as the popper touched the water, even before he moved it! But it came off during the fight. I had yet to even get a strike. He felt badly that I was getting skunked so he offered me the lure that had been working so well for him. I was afraid I’d lose it in the rocks or something but he assured me it floats. He put on a larger Yozuri 3D popper.
Next drift, Erik landed his 4th white but it was smaller than the previous ones so he released it. I was struggling to get used to popping with a bait caster and wasn’t getting the right gurgle and slurp action going. Erik stopped fishing and tried to put me right in front of some easy to catch fish. Drifts went by and finally a fish lunged and splashed but alas, no hookup. Another white missed the hooks and then we saw a silvery streak hit the lure from the side but missed the hooks. Arrggh… we’re right on top of the reef at this point but I tried again since that was the closest I had come to hooking a fish.
Hookup, the fish took to the air to pull somersaults. Awa awa! I guess my retrieve couldn’t get the more aggressive white papio going but it fooled a not-so-smart awa awa. At this point I wasn’t picky. Erik had already landed 4 whites out of 6 hookups. The awa awa wasn’t very big but it jumped and shook it’s head right next to the boat. The hook stayed in and we were able to release it.
We tried some other spots but the bite had slowed way down. With a few minutes left, Erik took us out to where he had the most action and a papio hit and shook off his 3D Popper. I threw into a deep channel, saw a splash, and felt a solid hookup. A second later the line went limp. What the heck?!! The 15lb fluro main was cut clean, above where it was spliced to a 2.5ft 40 lb fluoro leader. Either a long fish cut the line with his tail or a pack of fish swarmed the lure and one hit the line above the lure. I felt awful to lose Erik’s magic Yozuri Hydro Popper. Hope the replacement popper I get has the same mojo.
Erik ended up not taking any papio home for grandma but didn’t seem to mind. I was happy I was able to hook something on my inaugural popping trip and was satisfied with the way the fish finder worked. Erik didn’t use it to find out where the fish were, but it did mark fish where we got our strikes and even marked followers when we retrieved our lures back to the boat. I’m hoping it proves its worth on a bottom fishing trip.
Nice catches and great photos but too bad about the lost plug! Interesting way to lose it, but yeah, could’ve been cut by the tail/scutes of a good size fish, unless the line was already nicked before the fish hit.
Losing Waxwings, micro jigs/flat falls and poppers is getting to be expensive! I might have to try that Surflon leader you use to fly fish.
Action heating up huh? Can’t wait for Sum Sum Summer time!!!!