It’s the middle of April, and back a few years before the seasons got all “kapakahi” (uneven, unpredictable), sardines and iao would come into the shallows during the spring, and oama would begin to trickle in late July. The last couple of years didn’t have much of these very important shoreline bait fish, and thus, the shore fishing was slow.
Well, large schools of iao have been spotted on the west and east sides of Oahu and hopefully will draw in the shoreline predators. An unexpected large school of medium sized oama was spotted a month ago on the east side but hasn’t been seen since. The oama were running into my legs because unseen predators were harassing them.
Offshore, the opelu schools have been hit or miss, depending when and where you went, but if you caught some, they’ve been deadly for mahi, kawakawa, shibi and even the occasional ono.
These early indicators hint of a more “normal” summer season. What do you guys think?
On Maui I’ve been seeing a big uptick in shore fishing action, these last few weeks in particular. Omilus seem to be closer to shore and in feeding mode. Nice to feel the rod bend again! Looking forward to a better Spring/Summer season than last year.
Hey Jed,
Awesome to hear things are improving on Maui’s shores. Yeah, the presence of bait fish
really is a great indicator of a rebound year. Fingers crossed.
wea da oama ste bu ???
Get oama but small kine piles fo now, bu. 🙂
I’ve seen a few big moi caught recently on Maui. They catch them whipping artificial grubs. Yesterday, I was fishing from shore near Paia, Maui, and there were schools of bait fish coming into the rocks. I was trying frozen shrimp and whipping grubs, but got skunked. The baitfish looked like the ones in your video there, but in smaller schools.
Thanks for that report Joe. Bait seems a bit early this year, hopefully it hangs around and brings the preds in!
I hope it’s an indication of a good year!
All indications so far point to a better year than the recent two years!
Maui leeward side went to check for oaamas. Small school about 100 they were on the bottom but they swam away couldn’t find them. Say about medium size. Talked to a fisherman this morning saw a ulua about 20-30lbs where the wave break. He to saw a school of oaamas same amount. Went another spot this am. Saw few oaamas on the bottom. A sign that it’s coming in early? I hope so. Maybe better luck this year with papios.
where the oama and halalu fellas?
Wailupe and southside in desparate need as the omiliu and papio has been basically dearth so far
some little guys here and there but nothing to talk about really
im new to inshore fishing did a lot of other types fishing before
wondering how late is late do they sometimes not come at all?
Yup, it’s not looking good but still got a few more weeks before we call it over. I believe it’s the succession of La Ninas we’ve had but haven’t heard anything official on the subject.