Holoholo writer Hunter, true to his name, has gone from shore fishing to hunting under water. He typed this on his phone one night, while fishing, and sent it over via IG DM! Congrats on your big omilu Hunter!
I woke up at 5:30am on a Saturday morning. My dad had just bought a new boat from his friend for a cheap price. We decided to test it out with one of his friends. As we drove closer to Heeia boat ramp my excitement grew. Arriving at the parking lot we saw my dad’s friend waiting for us in his car. We parked the boat in a stall and got all the stuff ready. As we launched the boat and tied it to the dock I grew nervous for no reason at all. It might’ve been excitement but it felt like butterflies. We all jumped in the boat and headed out to the spot.
The water was flat but choppy. We drove at a slow speed as we were only beginners. Arriving at the spot we could tell it was clean. I jumped in and was amazed to see clear waters and fish all around me. We swam around, shot a couple fish including a munu and an uhu. As we made out way back to the boat I dropped down on a small Munu. I saw a small papio as well. As my eye drifted from one side of the hole to the other I saw the outline of two big fish.

My heart started beating faster and faster as I approached what turned out to be 2 big electric blue Omilus. But just as I got into range they noticed me and started booking it. I rapidly ascended to the surface to report what I had just seen. With excitement I shouted “Ulua!” My dad and his friend came over. His friend told me what to do and to be careful as they were very big fish.

I slowly ascended being conscious that this might be my first omilu ulua. I tried to stay calm but my heart was racing. I landed on a small ledge across from the hole where the omilus were in. As they circled in and out the biggest one made a mistake and came too close to me. I took the shot and hit him right next to the head. He went crazy tangling my line and pulling my gun. 10 minutes of absolute chaos. Finally he got tired and as I went down to retrieve him I was basically having a heart attack at that point. I pulled the fish out and relief fell over. I brained the fish I couldn’t help but smile cheek to cheek.

When we got back in we decided to weigh it at Nankos. It came out as 14.41lbs. It was a day to remember in my books.