Man, it’s been a tough slog on the Windward side for me. On the rare good weather days I could get out, I couldn’t catch opelu and the target fish didn’t want to eat frozen opelu. It was so slow that I brought home the same pack of opelu 3 times, refroze and used again. ‘Course each time the bait spoils a little even though it’s on ice, so each time the refrozen bait is less appetizing.
Others have fished the same spot and caught opelu. Was good to hear that the bait was still there, bad to know I botched it. Seems I’ve just been unlucky with my timing and where I looked for bait. Only once did we get lucky with kawakawa and mahi on frozen opelu

Out of desperation, I fished shallower with the buss up opelu and aha, kaku and ulua hit baits. Too humbug to land and clean so they were released.
Looks like I have to revisit the South side and hope the boat and kayak traffic is manageable now.