We had been hearing that halalu were biting good at a few of the regular spots, and oama were being caught too, so Frank and I planned to just see what the day presented. Frank headed out east to the halalu spot, but they weren’t around, so we met at a spot where he could catch oama and I could throw some lures.
There was an unmolested school of 4.5″ oama that began to bite for Frank and I began to whip a 120mm (4.75″) subsurface lure. My FG knot separated on a cast and I tried to listen for the splash of the lure to retrieve it, but didn’t hear it land. Searched around for the floating lure but couldn’t find it. Ouch.
I did see a small Portuguese Man of War drifting in. My nemesis! Got stung at least 5 times last year, even while seated in my kayak! I was wearing the Anetik Shade Socks for leg protection on this day but had never tested them against stings. I warned Frank about the Man of Wars and put on the Shimano Shallow Assassin Flash Boost. Even though it was a few grams lighter than the subsurface lure was lost, it cast further because it was more compact, and had the sliding weight transfer system.
The Shallow Assassin has a fairly aggressive side-to-side wobble for such a small lure, and sure enough, I stuck a small kaku outside its mouth on the sticky sharp treble hooks.

Shortly after, an omilu pounced on the Shallow Assassin and was stuck with both hooks. Both fish hit just a crank or two after the lure hit the water, so I think the small profile of the lure matched what they were searching for.
Action slowed so I switched to a longer, jointed sub-surface lure that is the most enticing lure I own yet has never caught a fish. Well, it’s bolohead streak continues. Didn’t get another bite in the next hour. I looked towards shore, Frank was putting his oama catch in a cooler. Waded in and had to walk around a bunch of Man of War near shore. Turns out that’s why Frank quit, he was dodging 3 Man of War at a time and didn’t want to press his luck further. He caught enough oama for a couple trolling trips and I verified that the Assassin truly is a killer so we considered it a successful outing.
The online Store had sold out on the Shallow Assassins so I begged my supplier for 4 more, 1 in each color. If you want one, buy it now because these are hard to get, even in Japan. I’ll also order more Anetik Shade Socks if more people want them, please let me know. These is the first time I waded with them and they protected me from the sun and stings and didn’t sag down.