6th grade Hunter shares another unusual catch, this time it’s the bait he used that was eye opening.
I was fishing down Kaneohe on Super Bowl Sunday hoping to get some fish for Super Bowl. Right off the bat, I hooked up to a solid size omaka but it came off at the net. I decided to try my luck at the uluas. Eventually I ran out of sanma so Uncle Norman gave me chicken breast. The idea sounded crazy, but he told me he caught a pao pao on Canadian bacon, so I put on the chicken breast.
At first only small papio were biting and the uluas kept coming up but turning at the last second. Then Uncle Mike came and started chumming. Then the big school of omilus came in so I dropped my bait down. After about 2 minutes I looked up to check my dunk and suddenly my line felt tight and my pole started flexing.

Here’s the thing about Kaneohe. To catch anything under the pier you must use lock drag or the fish will wrap you around the pillars, so fighting the omilu was basically just tug o war. After a little bit of back and forth fighting, I brought the 15 inch omilu to the surface and Uncle Norman netted it with Uncle Mike’s net.